The 6 Best Ways To Consume Cannabis


Over the years stoners have figured out countless ways to consume cannabis, ranging from gravity bongs made from old soda bottles to smoking hash straight from a hot knife. Give a stoner some weed and he is gonna figure out a way to smoke it, however some methods of consumption are a lot healthier than others.

The legalization of cannabis for recreational use has meant that the sales of marijuana edibles continues to grow as people explore the different ways of getting high. Even with this growth in edibles taken into account, the vast majority of people still smoke cannabis (around 50%). The downside to this is that when cannabis combusts during the smoking process the user will inhale up to 50 known carcinogens along with the THC.

1. Smoking Cannabis

Smoking cannabis is the old school method that most stoners prefer, whether it be from a pipe, a bong or a joint. Smoking cannabis has many benefits associated with it, it can provide almost instant pain relief and it is incredibly easy to regulate your dosage. Cannabis in bud form has also been processed a lot less than stuff such as ‘shatter’ so as long as the grower didn’t put any unneeded chemicals in during the growth phase then it should be additive free.

Its not all good though as smoke is harmful to the lungs. By burning marijuana, smokers not only lose much of the potency but risk their pulmonary health; the super-hot mixture also deposits tar in the lungs. This destroys the cilia which are responsible for sweeping away the intercellular trash.

2. Vaping Cannabis

Vaping has been around for years but it was once only a thing that I had saw in the coffeeshops of Amsterdam where they had the volcano vaporizers. Now thanks to an improvement in the technology surrounding vapes they have reduced substantially in price and are available in a vast array of shapes and sizes. Ranging from big vapes that are perfect for your home to small pocket friendly vape pens.

Like smoking cannabis the vape will provide instant relief while at the same time being less harsh on your lungs than smoking. There is also a lot less smell associated with vaping cannabis making this choice more discreet.

Studies have shown that vapes can be anywhere from 30-40% more efficient in delivering THC to a patient when compared with traditional combustion methods. This means a potential saving of anywhere from 30-40% in regards to financial outlay.

However they are still quite expensive and will need charging every once in awhile, if you do own one then make sure you keep it charged as you don’t want the battery to be dead when you want to get high or need pain relief.

3. Consuming Cannabis Edibles

Gone are the days when the only edibles available were the ones that your friend who fancied himself a brownie expert would knock up once in awhile. You could almost taste the burnt weed by just looking at them, they also each contained a mystery dose of THC as no one had a clue how strong they would come out.

However as legalization spreads across the USA the selection of edibles increases exponentially. You can now get ice cream, gummy bears and lollipops that will get you stoned. Edibles are perfect for anyone that is looking for long lasting pain relief and will also be useful for people who do not enjoy the process of smoking.

Thanks to an increase in knowledge surrounding edibles the dosages are now very precise and they all taste delicious…what a time to be alive. Please note that edibles may take several hours to kick in so don’t make the mistake of taking too many because you think you aren’t feeling the effects.

If you make them yourself it will be difficult to regulate the THC dose in each edible unless you have access to professional equipment. Also remember that edibles just look like treats to kids and pets so make sure to keep them in a safe place.

4. Applying Cannabis Topicals

Medical cannabis tinctures are a great way to medicate without any of the psychoactive effects. “Salves, ointments, lotions, and sprays are great for arthritis, chapped skin, eczema, minor burns, muscle soreness, sunburns, swellings, joint pain, and tendonitis, to name just a few.” Doesn’t get you high which is a massive downside however it can provide localized pain relief.

5. Using Cannabis Suppositories

“You insert a small cone-shaped mass of cannabis extract into the rectum, where it absorbs through the colon. This method is somewhat controversial and rather less dignified than other ways to medicate, but some patients swear by it. Put on protective gloves, lie on your side, and insert the suppository about 1.5 inches. Squeeze your sphincter muscles and stay in place for at least a few minutes”.

This method may not be for everyone but is will provide instant long lasting relief and it by far the most efficient way of consuming cannabis, as with any other drug for that matter. There is a reason why famous rock stars get hookers to blow coke up their ass.

6. Smoking Cannabis ‘Dabs’ 

Dabs‘ are a rather new thing in the cannabis world, dab just refers to a cannabis concentrate such as wax or shatter. Some of these concentrates contain as much as 90% THC so your gonna get ridiculously high. It also provides instant pain relief and is the only way some patients, who need high thc dosage, can consume cannabis in a cost efficient manner.

However some extraction methods do involve solvents, which if not properly removed can cause you problems. This method of consumption is not recommended to people with a low THC tolerance. The device used to inhale the dab is also quite complex and it would be easy for a novice to burn themselves on the hot nail for example but if you wanna get really really high then give dabbing a go but be prepared.


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