Best Places To Smoke Or Buy Weed In Vietnam
A quick look at the best places to smoke or buy weed while in Vietnam
A quick look at the best places to smoke or buy weed while in Vietnam
Spain is probably one of the easiest places to get weed in the whole world after the recent relaxing of their cannabis laws, personal consumption and cultivation are now legal across the whole country meaning their has been a huge increase in supply.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the cannabis space is revolutionizing the way new strains are developed and how products are brought to market. AI’s ability to analyze vast…
Have you ever wondered how to smuggle weed back from Amsterdam to the UK, its a lot easier than you think.
A quick video showing you how to roll the pefect joint in under 5 minutes
At first I was hesitant of combining both of my oldest vices, marijuana and poker. I didn’t want to be that fish at the table just giving his chips away to the more experienced players all because I made a bad call because I was too high.
As the cannabis industry continues to grow and evolve, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in the way that cannabis is sold and consumed. From personalized product…
In one of the must fucked up cannabis related stories I have ever read, a 26 year old man from Pennsylvania has been arrested after stealing a human brain and soaking his weed in the fluids to get super high.
Dream Market has over 35,000 different listings for drugs, its hard not to find something you will like…..
. I didn’t intentionally set out to mix all of these drugs with cannabis, I just like smoking weed so when I do other drugs I still smoke. Here are my personal experiences with a bit of scientific information of how the specific drugs interact.