New Revolutionary Grinder ‘The Clipper’
A group of entrepreneurs from Winnipeg have created a revolutionary grinder that they say will never get clogged up due to sticky resin build ups left behind after you have crushed up your buds.
A group of entrepreneurs from Winnipeg have created a revolutionary grinder that they say will never get clogged up due to sticky resin build ups left behind after you have crushed up your buds.
The use of cannabis within the Bible is a controversial topic, with many different interpretations. Some people argue that cannabis, or a plant with similar properties, was mentioned or used…
Now I can get high and go to work without it being noticeable to my managers, on the other hand when I was 16 I remember smoking a joint in the garden and having to sit down at the bottom of the stairs to compose myself before climbing them.
Welcome to our list of the top 5 cannabis strains named after celebrities! We’ve picked out some unique strains that carry the names of famous faces like Willie Nelson, Bob…
We all know that older person who tells us that the cannabis of today is frying our brains and that back in his day you could smoke weed all day and never have to worry about the mental side effects that it may cause.
At first I was hesitant of combining both of my oldest vices, marijuana and poker. I didn’t want to be that fish at the table just giving his chips away to the more experienced players all because I made a bad call because I was too high.
Everyone has been in that situation when they have something to do later on in the day but you end up getting high during your free time in the morning. As long as you haven’t smoked too much then if you follow a few of these tips then you should be able to sober up enough to go about your daily tasks.
. I didn’t intentionally set out to mix all of these drugs with cannabis, I just like smoking weed so when I do other drugs I still smoke. Here are my personal experiences with a bit of scientific information of how the specific drugs interact.
A quick video showing you how to roll the pefect joint in under 5 minutes
Most people probably don’t have the luxury of 30+ days to spare before their drugs test. If you are one of those people then listen up, no one can guarantee you are going to pass the test however we can follow a few simple steps and hope for the best.