Proper ventilation is crucial in a grow room to maintain the health of your plants. This page is designed to help you understand the importance of ventilation, determine the necessary …
Learn how to make bubble hash, thc butter and cannabis infused tea from your leftover cannabis stems, if you dont collect your stems you are just throwing away valuable THC.
Eating raw cannabis has gained popularity in recent years due to its health benefits, but it is important to note that the effects and potential benefits of consuming raw cannabis …
Many growers believe the earliest cannabis strains sprouted in the Hindu Kush region of Afghanistan and Pakistan and eventually spread to other areas, including South America, Asia, Jamaica, Africa, and …
Creating new cannabis strains is an exciting and innovative process that involves a combination of traditional breeding techniques and modern genetic engineering methods. Breeders have a vast array of tools …
There are multiple reasons why these pests are hated by growers, such as the fact that a single mature female spider mite can produce around a million mites in less …
Indica and Sativa are the two main types of cannabis plants which are then in turn mixed together to produce a multitude of hybrid strains. Each strain effects the body …
Rick Simpson, a Canadian cancer patient who cured his own skin cancer using home made cannabis oil in 1997, brought the cannabis oil debate to the mainstream. He gave hope …
The vegetative stage of cannabis growth is a crucial period during which the plant develops its structure and lays the foundation for its flowering phase. Understanding the different stages of …