Cannabis butter, also known as cannabutter, is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide range of butter based recipes to take your dish to the next level. …
Depression is a complex and often debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While treatments such as therapy and medication work for many, some people turn to cannabis for …
The MediPen, which is a legal way to consume CBD within the United Kingdom, has been on sale for about a year now and has drawn some very positive reviews. …
The use of cannabis within the Bible is a controversial topic, with many different interpretations. Some people argue that cannabis, or a plant with similar properties, was mentioned or used …
The two main cannabinoids in cannabis are CBD and THC. Both of these offer a wide range of benefits but have multiple differences including their psychoactive effect on the brain.
The cannabis industry has traditionally been male-dominated, but a growing number of women are making their mark in the industry and paving the way for others. Here are ten women …
Many cannabis smokers insist that marijuana consumption helps their creative process, and many scientists are beginning to find evidence that supports these claims. But how exactly does cannabis help to …
As cannabis continues to penetrate the mainstream, more and more people are becoming aware of the medicinal benefits this plant has to offer. These beneficial effects can range from helping those who …
Introduction to CBD Oil Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant that has gained popularity in recent years due to its many potential health benefits. CBD …