Spain, which is considered a conservative nation by many, has some of the most liberal drug laws when it comes to cannabis. This is due to a “legal loophole” that allows cannabis to be grown privately as long as it is for personal use, the number of cannabis clubs increased dramatically over the years.
This allowed the cannabis clubs to grow a set amount of plants per each registered menu they had. The clubs are then allowed to distribute the cannabis between its members who will in return pay between 5 and 10 euros a gram, there is also usually a yearly membership fee.

Cultural Acceptance and Public Opinion
The surge in cannabis clubs is both a cause and effect of the changing public opinion towards cannabis in Barcelona. The city’s residents and authorities have increasingly recognized the plant’s medicinal benefits, leading to a more accepting attitude. This cultural shift has caused an influx of tourists looking to experience Barcelona’s cannabis clubs.
Economic Impact
Barcelona’s cannabis scene has not only been a plus for the residents but also its economy. The industry has created thousands of jobs, from growing and distribution to retail and tourism, accelerating local business revenues. However, this boom also poses challenges, necessitating careful regulation to ensure sustainable development. Spain has stated numerous times that they do not want to turn into “Sunny Amsterdam” so regulation is to be expected.
Benefits Of These Cannabis Clubs
The cannabis clubs in Barcelona are used by a wide range of people, ordinary stoners use the clubs as a place to meet up and catch up with friends without having to worry about issues with the police. Many members also have a chronic illness and they attend the cannabis clubs for medicinal purposes.
Some clubs which focus solely on medicinal patients have in house doctors to provide the best experience for all of their members. There is even a gay only cannabis club in Barcelona, so the chances are whatever environment your searching for, you will be able to find it in Barcelona’s wide array of social clubs.
This legal situation has lead to a 1750% increase in the number of cannabis clubs in Spain and many people have been comparing Barcelona to the Amsterdam of southern Europe.
Challenges and Controversies
Despite its success, Barcelona’s cannabis scene faces many legal and social challenges. Unclear regulation continues to cloud the industry, while concerns about public health and the impact of cannabis tourism on local communities continue to be debated. Balancing growth with responsibility remains a key issue for the local government.
However it is now as open to tourists as Amsterdam is, all members that attend the cannabis clubs must be over 21 years of age and a resident of Spain, they also must show their ID every time they attend their cannabis club. This is to discourage tourists from attending the clubs, however there are many ways around these laws and I have personally been taken to many of these clubs.
There are some restrictions on the cannabis clubs in Spain, there is a limit on how much cannabis you can purchase a month. The limit is set at 98 grams which is a fair amount, however the law can easily be circumvented by having multiple club memberships.
You have to give the club an estimate of how much weed you will require so that they can grow it for you without the fear of police problems. The clubs are also banned from advertising which makes sense as they are meant to be private clubs, this means not everyone is actually aware of how prevalent the cannabis scene is in Barcelona.
While tourists are not welcome in the majority of Spain’s cannabis clubs a recent ruling in Catalonia’s parliament means that membership is even available to foreigners as there are no longer any residency requirements when it comes to to joining one of Barcelona’s numerous cannabis clubs.
The Future of Cannabis in Barcelona
Looking ahead, Barcelona’s cannabis scene is set for further expansion. Legal and cultural landscapes are constantly changing, paving the way for full legalization and even greater integration into mainstream society. Barcelona’s take on cannabis clubs offers valuable insights into the potential for cannabis to contribute positively to a cities economy without changing its culture.
Barcelona city council have made efforts to halt the spread of this coffee shop culture throughout their city, they recently passed a law limiting the total amount of smoke that any club can emit. They also hope to get plans approved which would criminalize any coffee shop that was deemed to be to near to a place frequented by younger people.
This legislation could impact nearly 80% of Barcelona’s cannabis clubs and have a huge negative impact on patients whose only access to their medicine is via these social clubs, hopefully the government will repeal these repressive measures and let the cannabis scene flourish openly.
Barcelona’s dynamic cannabis scene in 2024 stands as a testament to the city’s progressive spirit and its role in shaping the future of cannabis in Europe and beyond. As laws and attitudes continue to evolve, Barcelona will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of the global cannabis conversation, blazing a trail for others to follow.