Barcelona’s cannabis scene has remained underground for since its emergence in 2001, since then it has been slowly gaining momentum and has made Barcelona the cannabis capital of Spain, however is it a better holiday destination than Amsterdam when it comes to cannabis?

Why Barcelona Is A Potheads Paradise
There is a wide variety of cannabis related activities to pass time while in Barcelona, ranging from the beautiful glass shops to the annual cannabis events that take place in the city.
So why not pick up a new pipe to smoke with or head over to the ‘Hash Marihuana Cáñamo & Hemp Museum’ which was opened by Sensi Seeds in 2012 to educate people about cannabis. Either way you will have a great time, Barcelona is one of the most beautiful cities in the whole of Europe and you could spend a whole say just walking around stoned taking in all of the wonderful architecture and irresistible smells of the local cuisine.
Barcelona may be one of the best cities to get the munchies in, Mediterranean cuisine is the pinnacle of freshness and will satisfy anyone’s hunger for a reasonable price. Why not try some local food such as paella, washed down with a jug of sangria.
Barcelona definitely has the edge on Amsterdam in terms of food, Amsterdam is a tourist trap mainly consisting of waffle houses and fast food shops making money off all the stoned tourists.
Challenges They Face
In its prime, the scene had upwards of 300 social clubs in the city, the numbers have dwindled to about 120 after a multitude of police raids.
These raids were carried out for a variety of reasons such as illegal sales and poor ventilation. Clubs that were following all the guidelines were allowed to remain open though showing that the police are not fully against the idea of social clubs in Barcelona.
These social clubs are members only though meaning that tourists will struggle to find any club that will permit them entry. This factor seems to be the main hurdle in Barcelona’s way if they want to become the worlds number one cannabis destination.
In my opinion Barcelona wins hands down as a tourist destination, however Amsterdam is still the number one cannabis destination for one reason only. In Amsterdam the cannabis scene is so open and welcoming to foreign tourists that you would be stupid to go anywhere else. Barcelona is let down by the fact that membership would be hard to acquire for tourists on short notice and that you could still receive a fine from Spanish police for possession outside your hotel room or a social club, although this is unlikely.
With some improvement and opening up of the cannabis market to tourists in Barcelona there is no reason why Barcelona cannot dethrone Amsterdam as the number one cannabis destination. However for now, Amsterdam remains number one.
Can anyone visit a cannabis club in Barcelona? Visitors need a membership to access cannabis clubs, which often requires an invitation or referral from an existing member.
Is it safe to buy cannabis in Barcelona? Purchasing cannabis outside the confines of clubs is illegal and potentially unsafe. Tourists are advised to respect local laws and club rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
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