What Is The Difference Between CBD & THC
The two main cannabinoids in cannabis are CBD and THC. Both of these offer a wide range of benefits but have multiple differences including their psychoactive effect on the brain.
The two main cannabinoids in cannabis are CBD and THC. Both of these offer a wide range of benefits but have multiple differences including their psychoactive effect on the brain.
The MediPen, which is a legal way to consume CBD within the United Kingdom, has been on sale for about a year now and has drawn some very positive reviews. It has been reported to help people with everything ranging from depression and anxiety to arthritis and fibromyalgia.
Cannabis plants, like all plants, rely on insects for various functions such as pollination and pest control. While some insects can be harmful to cannabis plants, others can be beneficial…
Cannabis butter, also known as cannabutter, is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide range of butter based recipes to take your dish to the next level.…
Dealing with anxiety can be difficult, making even the most normal task or situation into an overwhelming experience. A lot of people with anxiety self medicate with marijuana to help with their…
There’s a popular urban myth among smokers that the effects of weed intensify in hot weather. This article looks at whether there is any truth to this claim and how…
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the cannabis space is revolutionizing the way new strains are developed and how products are brought to market. AI’s ability to analyze vast…
Introduction In recent years, the conversation around marijuana has changed a lot. Once seen as a recreational drug, it’s now recognized for its potential to offer relief to those suffering…
There was Outrage After New DEA Chief, Chuck Rosenberg Called Medical Marijuana A “Joke”
Exploring the Intricacies of Cannabinoid Effects: Pain Relief, Mood Regulation, Anti-Inflammatory Properties, and Beyond Cannabinoids have emerged as a subject of interest due to their remarkable effects on the human…