Charlotte’s Web Medical Strain Review


Charlotte’s Web is a groundbreaking medical cannabis strain known for its high-CBD, low-THC composition, making it an ideal choice for patients, especially children, seeking relief without the psychoactive effects typically associated with marijuana. Named in honor of Charlotte Figi, a young girl who found profound relief from her severe epileptic seizures through this strain, Charlotte’s Web has since become synonymous with the fight for medical cannabis legalization and the potential health benefits of CBD.

Origin and Development

Charlotte’s Web was first cultivated by The Stanley Brothers who are based in Colorado for a young girl called Charlotte, this and the fact that the bud was covered in a web of trichomes led to the name. This strain has almost no psychoactive effect making it ideal for patients who wish to medicate and not have it affect their daily life.

Medical Benefits

Due to this strains extremely low levels of THC, it is classed as a herbal supplement. As a result of this it can be sold across state lines as it is classed as a hemp-derived food product. This classification will allow The Stanley Brothers to help an incredible amount of children across the whole country just like they helped Charlotte Figi.

Charlotte suffered from seizures approximately every 30 minutes every single day, this caused turmoil within the family with her mother wondering if  it would be better for Charlotte to peacefully slip away. The family had tried a wide range of drugs but none of them seemed to have any impact on their daughters condition.

Out of ideas, Charlotte’s mum turned to The Stanley Brothers who had just released their first product. After the first dose of medicine she made significant improvements and her health rapidly improved. After taking the medicine for a longer period of time she is almost seizure free thanks to the inspirational work of The Stanley Brothers.


While specific cultivation information is proprietary, it is known that Charlotte’s Web thrives in a controlled environment that maximizes CBD production while keeping THC levels within legal limits.


Access to Charlotte’s Web can vary based on local cannabis laws. It is available in various forms, including oils, capsules, and topicals, through licensed dispensaries and directly from the Stanley Brothers’ company in regions where it’s legally permitted.


Charlotte’s Web has not only provided relief to many but has also played a pivotal role in changing perceptions about cannabis and its medicinal potential. As research continues, the future looks promising for Charlotte’s Web and similar high-CBD strains in medical treatment.

Chilled Music

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