How To Make Pot Brownies In The Microwave


Today I am going to teach you how to make amazing space cakes (edibles) even if you don’t have an oven.  All you will need is a microwave, cupcake molds and Betty Crocker cake mix. If you dont have access to the Betty Crocker cake mix any brand that just requires you to add oil and eggs will do.

Alongside the cake mix you will need 105ml of vegetable oil and 3 medium eggs, and of course however much cannabis you want to throw in, I would recommend about 3.5g of buds or about 7-10 gram of shake.

Preparing The Edibles

First of all you will need to take 105 ml of vegetable oil and heat it up over a moderate flame. Take your cannabis and grind it up using a grinder, you should then tap the weed directly in the oil. When all of the cannabis is ground up and in the oil you should be careful to maintain a moderate heat as too much heat will result in it burning. The optimal time for keeping the oil on the heat is about 3 – 4  hours however if you are in a rush then you can just do it for as long as time permits.

As well as turning the THCA found in cannabis to THC, decarboxylation also has another awesome benefit: it lowers the risk of botulism in your edibles. If you don’t properly decarb your cannabis, the moisture from it can cause botulism bacteria to grow in your tinctures, butters or oils.

While the cannabis is heating in the oil you should take a mixing bowl and mix the cake mix with the eggs, when the oil is ready add it to the mix and stir until you have a nice smooth consistency.

Take the mixture and pour it into individual cupcake molds and then place them inside your microwave. It will be different for everyone but my microwave takes about two minutes to cook the cakes to completion, you should check throughout the two minutes to make sure you are not over-cooking them.

After they are cooked allow them to cool down and then you can enjoy getting incredibly high off a cupcake. Always remember that edibles are a lot stronger than just smoking cannabis. If you are a novice start slow and don’t eat too much before you know the true strength of the cakes.

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