Do You Get Higher If You Smoke Weed In Hot Weather

There’s a popular urban myth among smokers that the effects of weed intensify in hot weather. This article looks at whether there is any truth to this claim and how heat may potentially affect your high.

The Impact of Hot Weather on the Body

Our bodies regulate its temperature via blood flow, sweating, and other methods. In hot weather, the body works harder to stay cool, this affects blood pressure and circulation. These changes can alter how THC is absorbed and processed by the body.

Physiological Changes Due to Hot Weather

When temperatures rise, your heart rate increases, and blood vessels dilate, which increases blood flow throughout the whole body. This could speed up the absorption of THC into your blood, potentially increasing the high. Also, hot weather often leads to dehydration, which can make users feel lightheaded and may “enhance” the perceived strength of cannabis effects.

Review of Scientific Studies

Research into how things like temperature affect drug strength is limited. However, studies on other substances, such as alcohol, suggest that warmer conditions can increase the rate of absorption, leading to quicker intoxication. While direct studies on cannabis are scarce, these findings might hint at similar outcomes for marijuana users.

Personal Experiences

Every time I have managed to smoke in the sun on the beach I have always felt like I have gotten so much higher than when i’m smoking at home. At first I thought it was due to smoking in the hot sun, however weed is weed and no matter where you smoke it you are going to absorb the same amount of thc into your body.

It is probably more to do with my body being dehydrated as a result of the hot weather and the fact that during the holiday I have probably have had a small tolerance break of about 4 days. This means I need no where near as much weed to get stoned as I would normally would at home.

Also most of the popular holiday destinations in Europe such as Spain have very cheap cannabis prices, when you get a lot for very cheap you end up smoking huge joints which can also be a shock to the system.

Safety Considerations

Smoking weed in extreme temperatures carries some risks. High temperatures can increase the effects of dehydration, and in some cases, contribute to heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke. You should stay hydrated, seek shade, and try not to smoke too much.


While there is some basis for the belief that hot weather can alter the impact of cannabis, scientific evidence remains inconclusive. The interplay of increased blood flow and dehydration may intensify the effects for some users, but individual experiences can vary widely. It’s crucial to approach cannabis use with caution in hot weather, staying hydrated and aware of your body’s response.


Q: How can I safely enjoy cannabis in hot weather? A: Stay hydrated, smoke in moderation, and avoid direct sunlight during peak heat hours to have a safe and enjoyable high.

Q: Does hot weather affect how long the high lasts? A: There’s no solid evidence that hot weather changes the duration of weeds effect, but it could intensify the high.

Mylar Baggie Guide

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