Dealing with anxiety can be difficult, making even the most normal task or situation into an overwhelming experience. A lot of people with anxiety self medicate with marijuana to help with their symptoms, the THC and CBD provide instant relief to anxiety sufferers.

How Cannabis Helps With Anxiety
Much of the existing medical research supports cannabis as an effective, long-term solution for those living with anxiety.
Cannabis interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which maintains homeostasis in several processes, including memory, appetite, metabolism, immune response, and stress responses. Because the ECS plays a significant role in managing stress and anxiety, cannabis is the perfect thing to provide relief.
Recent studies show that cannabis interacts with the body similarly to existing, FDA-approved, anxiety medications. Many anti-anxiety medicines deal with GABA activity, one of several neurotransmitters responsible for balancing stress levels. Research shows that cannabis – and CBD in particular – can change the activity of GABA in the body. This means that cannabis can manage stress levels via the exact mechanisms as prescription treatments.
Cannabis can have a calming effect because it impacts cortisol levels in the body, another hormone that is directly linked with higher or lower stress levels. A study found that patients with anxiety experienced noticeable drops in cortisol when given marijuana, indicating that they entered a more relaxed, stress-free state.
CBD has particularly shown promise as a powerful tool to reduce anxiety in the long term. Researchers found that when CBD was provided to individuals diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder (SAD) over several sessions, they reported a significant decrease in subjective anxiety.
Finding The Best Cannabis Strains for Anxiety
When selecting cannabis strains to help with anxiety, the CBD to THC ratio is vital as it influences the strain’s psychoactive effects and its suitability for daytime or nighttime use. Additionally, terpenes such as myrcene, linalool, and limonene play important roles in enhancing the calming effects of marijuana.
Best Strains for Anxiety
The ACDC cannabis strain is known for its high CBD to THC ratio, which can range as high as 20:1, making it one of the best strains for medical purposes without strong psychoactive effects. ACDC is a phenotype of the Cannatonic strain, known for its potential health benefits. Dominant terpenes in ACDC include myrcene and beta-caryophyllene, both known for anxiety-relieving properties.
Sativa / Indica | THC % | CBD % | Taste |
Indica Dominant Hybrid | LOW | 20% | Woody / Lemon |
Critical Cure
Critical Cure is a specialized cannabis strain bred with medical users in mind. It is a cross between Critical Kush and a ruderalis strain, which is often bred for its high CBD content. This indica-dominant hybrid provides significant relief from pain and anxiety without a strong high due to its high CBD and relatively low THC levels. Geraniol, ocimene, myrcene and humulene are the dominant terpenes in Critical Cure.
Sativa / Indica | THC % | CBD % | Taste |
Indica Dominant Hybrid | 5% | 8% | Sweet / Earthy |
Ringo’s Gift
Ringo’s Gift is a high-CBD combination of two other strains on this list: ACDC and Harle-Tsu. smokers report improvement in overall anxiety and stress levels after consuming. Its consistently high 13:1 CBD to THC ratio makes it an effective long-term option for those seeking to reduce stress and improve their quality of life.
Sativa / Indica | THC % | CBD % | Taste |
Indica Dominant Hybrid | LOW | 14 – 20% | Earthy / Pepper |
The Harle-Tsu cannabis strain is a hybrid that has gained popularity primarily for its high CBD content and minimal psychoactive effects. This strain is a cross between Harlequin and Sour Tsunami, two well-known strains recognized for their therapeutic benefits.
Harle-Tsu typically features a CBD to THC ratio of 20:1 or higher, making it an ideal choice for medical users looking for relief without the high. Harle-Tsu’s dominant terpenes include ocimene, myrcene, pinene, and terpinolene (alpha-terpinene).
Sativa / Indica | THC % | CBD % | Taste |
Indica Dominant Hybrid | LOW | 20% | Pine / Earthy |
The Lifter cannabis strain is well-regarded for its ability to elevate mood and provide an energetic boost without overwhelming psychoactive effects. A hybrid strain, Lifter is a descendant of Suver Haze and Early Resin Berry, boasting a high CBD content typically around 14-20% and low THC levels, which makes it a favorite among those seeking therapeutic benefits without a strong high.
Sativa / Indica | THC % | CBD % | Taste |
Sativa Dominant Hybrid | LOW | 15% – 20% | Earthy / Berry |
While weed is not a one-size-fits-all cure, the strains listed above are famous for their ability to help people with anxiety. By choosing the right strain and using it responsibly, you can significantly enhance your day to day life.
Q: Can cannabis cure anxiety? A: While cannabis can help manage symptoms, it is not a cure for anxiety. It should be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
Q: Are there any risks to using cannabis for anxiety? A: Yes, especially with strains high in THC, there is a risk of increased anxiety, paranoia, or other negative effects. Starting with low doses and choosing strains with higher CBD levels can help mitigate these risks.